Loesje International Newsletter February 2014

                                                                                                                                     Newsletter February 2014





  • Loesje posters in Wolof
  • Sticking the International Series
  • New Loesje T-shirts
  • International Series of the Month 


Loesje posters in Wolof                                                            

(written by Loesje Poland)

Our friend who is native in Wolof (spoken in Senegal) and was educated in French translated for Loesje 2 posters into Wolof (from what was available in French on loesje.org).

The "Boj djum..." says "Fais des erreurs mais fais-les bien" (aka Make mistakes but make them right) and "Bul xar demal" which is "N’attends pas vas-y" (not sure if this one is in English too).

We'll produce some stickers and pins with the texts -- he owns a little Senegalese cafe and the place is popular with other Senegalese people so they can read Loesje texts in their language. 


Loesje sticking the International Series



New Loesje T-shirts

While waiting for the pink army Loesje has made two new T-shirts. 
*Russia time for the pink army*
*I'm right here behind your prejudices*
Available for gays, heterosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and everyone else who cares. 



International Series of the Month

Hurray! The new series is online. Go ahead...read, share, stick and do something crazy. http://www.loesje.org/posters

